How to treat osteochondrosis at home? Medicine, exercise therapy, diet, massage

Sections of vertebrae affected by osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis includes eliminating symptoms and achieving stable relief. Patients with cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral lesions are hospitalized with acute back pain, usually caused by intervertebral disc displacement. In all other cases, osteochondrosis is treated at home. It includes the use of drugs, compliance with abstinence programs, sports, and gymnastics.

What is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a pathology of degenerative dystrophy that develops rapidly without medical intervention. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, the intervertebral disc loses its ability to retain water. This can lead to nutritional disorders and lack of nutrients in cartilage tissue. The intervertebral disc becomes dense and thinner, and its surface is covered with radial cracks.

They are no longer able to perform the shock absorption function, resulting in instability of the vertebral structure, and their displacement exceeds the boundaries of the spinal canal. The vertebrae can also deform-bone growth (osteophytes) forms on it.


Nutritional disc disease occurs due to excessive physical exertion and a sedentary lifestyle. In the elderly, the appearance of pathology is due to the natural aging of the body-the production of collagen is reduced and the regeneration process is slowed down. The following diseases can also cause the development of osteochondrosis:

  • Autoimmune diseases-rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Endocrine diseases-hypothyroidism, diabetes;
  • Disorders of hematopoiesis, blood circulation and metabolism.

The prerequisites for causing the destruction of the intervertebral disc are obesity, smoking, wearing high heels, and congenital and acquired abnormalities of the spine structure.


In the initial stages of development, the pathology is asymptomatic. Mild back pain occurred after physical activity and disappeared after a short rest. But over time, their intensity will increase. The pain is more severe when bending over, turning around, or climbing stairs. Other characteristic signs of osteochondrosis appear:

  • Squeaking and clicking sounds when walking or changing body posture;
  • Movement restrictions.

In the remission phase, the back pain is mild. Hypothermia, weightlifting, and weather changes can cause discomfort.

Weightlifting, spine overloading exercises-causes of osteochondrosis

How to treat osteochondrosis at home

Drugs that can be used to repair damaged intervertebral discs and vertebrae have not yet been synthesized. Therefore, osteochondrosis treatment aims to prevent the progression of the disease. All treatment methods are based on accelerating blood circulation and replenishing the nutrient reserves in cartilage and bone tissue.

Wearing orthopedic devices can make the patient feel better. For cervical spondylosis, use Shants collars for thoracolumbar osteochondrosis-soft bandages with a warming effect or elastic corsets with rigid inserts made of plastic or metal.

Single collar

medical treatement

The first choice for symptomatic treatment of osteochondrosis is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The intramuscular administration of the solution allows the cessation of acute pain.

If the pain syndrome is not obvious, then you can get rid of it by taking medication.

Taking medicine to treat spine osteochondrosis

Topical application of gels and ointments can eliminate mild discomfort.

Drugs used to treat osteochondrosis Therapeutic effect
Glucocorticoid They reduce inflammation, have analgesic, anti-exudation, and immunosuppressive effects
Muscle relaxants Relax the skeletal muscles and eliminate the compression of muscle spasm on the spinal cord roots and blood vessels
Chondroprotective agent Partial repair of intervertebral disc cartilage tissue, with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects
Warm ointment Stimulate subcutaneous receptors, keep people away from pain, improve blood circulation and microcirculation

Physical therapy exercises

Receiving chondroprotective agents and physical therapy will not produce therapeutic effects like daily exercise therapy and gymnastics. This set of exercises was developed individually for patients by exercise therapists. Not only the pathological location must be considered, but also the physical fitness of the patient, that is, the X-ray stage of osteochondrosis. The complex must include the following exercises:

  • If the structure of the cervical spine is damaged-the head is tilted, turned, rotated;
  • With the failure of the thoracic spine and lumbar intervertebral disc-lean, turn the body, walk on high knees.

The main task of exercise therapy is to improve the blood supply of nutrient tissues and strengthen the back muscle structure to stabilize the intervertebral discs and vertebrae. However, during exercise, the microtrauma of the vertebral structure is unacceptable. Therefore, all movements should be smooth, slow down a little, and have a small amplitude.

Therapeutic diet

For any pathology of the musculoskeletal system, nutritionists recommend limiting the use of salt and spices in the diet, which usually leads to the formation of edema. Food should not be salted during cooking, but salt should be added during eating. Among the spices, you only need to choose those that do not change the balance of water and electrolyte in the body, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and dried chili powder.

To limit, it is best to completely abandon fried, smoked products, semi-finished products, and fast food.

Spine osteochondrosis is forbidden to eat fast food

The most useful foods for osteochondrosis are foods that are steamed or stewed with a small amount of water. It is recommended to add a small amount of oily fish (salmon, herring) to the daily menu to remove cholesterol from the blood vessels.

Massage treatment of osteochondrosis

Classic, segmented, acupressure massage is used to treat osteochondrosis to eliminate excessive muscle tension and restore optimal blood circulation. The masseur acts on the spastic muscles by rubbing, stroking, using vibrations, and slashing. The neurologist recommends going to the massage room not only for treatment, but also to prevent the recurrence of pain.

Manual or hardware vacuum massage is also very popular. During medical procedures, glass, ceramic, plastic, and bamboo jars are used. They are installed on biologically active spots and then move slightly along the surface of the body. The combination of vacuum and mechanical action allows you to get rid of all symptoms of the disease within 5-7 courses.


Prepare the compressed mixture immediately before surgery. They are spread on the skin with a thick layer, covered with plastic wrap and warm cloth, and the bandage is fixed with gauze or elastic bandage. If the mixture does not contain substances with a local irritant effect, it is left overnight. Compress it with a tincture of five-leaf clover, red pepper, and essential oil for about 1-2 hours.

In most cases, fresh leaves of burdock, horseradish, dandelion, plantain, and cabbage are used for surgery. They are crushed, add a tablespoon of honey and distribute them evenly on the skin. Compression with sea salt can eliminate stiffness well. Dilute a teaspoon of salt in 0. 5 cup of warm water, moisten it with a sterile napkin and apply it to the sore area.

Infusions and decoctions

The doctor recommends drinking at least 2. 5 liters of fluid a day to treat osteochondrosis. In addition to water, fruit drinks and preserves, you can also use medicinal plant infusions. To prepare a vitamin drink, put 5 dried berries of rose hip, viburnum, bilberry, juniper, and barberry in a thermos, and pour 2. 5 cups of boiling water. After 3 hours, cool the infusion, filter, and take 100 ml after meals, 3 times a day.

The decoction of bilberry leaves is also very useful. Pour one tablespoon of dried vegetable ingredients into a small saucepan, pour 0. 5 liters of hot water, and boil. Simmer under the lid for about 10 minutes and let cool. Take 3 tablespoons 2 times a day after meals.

Herbal preparation for preparing medicine infusion and decoction


Ceresin and paraffin neck application

At home, you can use ozokerite or paraffin wax (substances that can hold heat well) for application. They are sold in pharmacies in the form of coarse crystalline powder. About 100 grams of the free-flowing mixture is melted in a water bath at a temperature of 50-60°C and then cooled to 40°C. Use a wooden flat spatula or wide brush to apply a warm substance to the skin on the affected vertebral structure. After a little drying, an equal amount of ozokerite or paraffin will be emitted. A total of 3-4 layers are applied. From above, the frozen material is covered with a film or thick cloth and left for 1 hour.


Garlic alcohol tincture for osteochondrosis

The most effective treatment for osteochondrosis that is rubbed with a saber on any part. In a dark glass container with a volume of 1 liter, put half a cup of crushed dried rhizomes and a cup of grass. Pour vodka or 96% alcohol diluted with the same amount of water into the neck. Keep in a warm place for 2-3 months and shake the jar regularly. Do not filter, but if necessary, pour a few tablespoons of brown liquid and rub it until back pain.

If necessary, you can add a bunch of red peppers or 2-3 cloves of garlic while insisting. For people with sensitive skin, do not use vodka for rubbing, but use vegetable oil.

Healing bath

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, a salt bath is used, which has a general strengthening and nourishing effect on the patient's body. 200 grams of sea salt is dissolved in 2 liters of hot water. Fill the bath with warm water, pour the concentrated solution, and stir thoroughly. The whole process does not exceed half an hour. Then take a shower and wipe thoroughly with a towel.


In order to prevent the intervertebral disc from collapsing, it is necessary to exclude all the factors that lead to the destruction of the intervertebral disc from the usual lifestyle. Staying in one position of the body for a long time makes it impossible to put too much load on the spine. The doctor recommends quitting smoking and supplementing a diet with fresh fruits and vegetables.